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Post by British_flower Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:01 am


Blick: Ihr tretet bei der Casting-Sendung «MusicStar» auf. Ihr selbst wurdet ebenfalls ge­castet. Wie ging das vor sich?( you were casted as well how did it work when you got casted?)
Jason Orange: Unser Manager, Nigel Martin-Smith, suchte ­Talente. Er hat nicht Tausende vorsingen lassen, sondern uns ­sozusagen herausgepickt. Nur Robbie und ich meldeten uns auf eine Zeitungsannonce.
Gary Barlow: Nigel hat wohl nicht allzu viele Bewerbungen ­erhalten (grinst). Die Chancen, in die Band zu kommen, waren ziemlich gut. Wir waren sechs beim Casting und wussten, dass es eine fünfköpfige Band geben würde. Wir fühlten uns ganz wohl.
( Jay says Nigel was looking for talents he did not let 1000 sants sing but picked us.Only Robbie and me were answering the a newspaper advertisement-grin...Gary says Nigel probably didn't get too many applications,the chances were good to get in the band we were 6 and knew 5 were needed we felt confortable)

Meint ihr denn, dass diese Fernseh-Shows ein guter Start ins Musik-Business sind?( do you think these tv shows are a good start into the business?)
Gary: Es gibt keinen richtigen oder falschen Weg. Es kommt darauf an, was für ein Typ Mensch man ist. Jede Gelegenheit, berühmt zu werden, ist grossartig. Aber man muss wissen, wie man damit umgeht.
Jason: Wenn jemand weiss, was er will, dann soll er ruhig eine ­Talent-Show benutzen, um vorwärtszukommen. Was ich dabei nicht mag, sind die Erniedrigun­gen. In diesen Shows werden viele Menschen kaputt gemacht.
( Gary says there is no wrong way every way to get in the spotlight is good but you have to know how to handle it.
Jason says if someone knows what he or she wants then this person should use a talent show to get foreward.But i do not like the way they are treated in the shows,many people get heartbroken there)

Was sind denn die Voraussetzungen, um erfolgreich zu sein?( what are the preconditions to be successful?)
Gary: Nun, die offensichtlichen zuerst. Singen müsste man schon können. Und dann ist da noch das Aussehen. Schlussendlich zählen der Sänger und der Song.
Jason: Und du musst wirklich wissen, was du willst. Auch wenn du dir selbst sagst: «Hey, ich will berühmt sein und eine Menge Geld verdienen» – das ist absolut o.k. Aber du musst halt ehrlich zu dir selbst sein. Wenn du dich selbst verlierst, wirst du verrückt.
(Gary says you have to know how to sing and then there is also the outward appearance .At the end singer and song count.
Jason says you have to know what you want and to be honest to yourself if you loose yourself you get insane)

Ihr seid jetzt bald vierzig, drei von euch sind Familienväter. Welchen Einfluss hat das auf eure Musik?( 3 of you are dads does that influence your music?)
Gary: Es beeinflusst alles. Wie wir arbeiten, wer wir sind. Wenn die Kinder zum Konzert kommen, herrscht absolutes Chaos!
( Gary says it influences all if the children come to the concert there is absolute caos!)

Gary, vermissen Sie Ihre ­sechswöchige Tochter nicht?( don't you miss your daughter?)
Gary: Ich nahm mir vier Wochen Zeit, als Daisy geboren wurde. Ich weiss also immerhin schon, wie sie aussieht (grinst).
( Gary says he took 4 weeks off after daisy was born)


«Wir wollen die MusicStars unterstützen»
Weltstars zu Gast: Take That liessen die Herzen des Publikums und der MusicStars höher schlagen. Vor der Show sprachen wir mit Gary Barlow und Jason Orange über ihr neues Album, über Erfolg und ihre Ratschläge für die jungen Gesangstalente.

Hallo Jason, hallo Gary. Herzlich Willkommen in der Schweiz! Lasst uns über Euer neues und sehr erfolgreiches Album «The Circus» sprechen. Was würdet Ihr sagen, wie unterscheidet es sich von Euren früheren Alben?
( Hello Jason,Gary what is the difference to your earlier albums?

Jason: Nun, unsere früheren Alben waren ebenfalls erfolgreich darum gibts da gar keinen Unterschied (lacht). Es ist vielleicht ein Klischee, das zu sagen, aber wir haben uns vorwärts bewegt und entwickelt. Die ganze Gruppe ist nun involviert in die Entstehung des Albums. Früher war es Gary, der all unsere Songs schrieb. Eigentlich schreibt er sie ja immer noch, aber wir beobachten ihn nun ganz genau im Studio (lacht). Ich denke, das merkt man dem Album auch an: Man kann unsere vier Charaktere in der Musik wahrnehmen.
( Jason said all theier albums were successful it is maybe a cliche that they made a step foreward and develloped .Now the whole group is involved in the making of the album.It used to be Gary,he is it still somehow but now we are watching all what he does.I think you see on the album that you can clearly find our 4 characters there.

Warum heisst die Platte «The Circus»?( why is it called the circus?)

Gary: Zum ersten Mal hatten wir bei der Produktion des Albums schon die Tour vor Augen. «Greatest Day» zum Beispiel haben wir geschrieben und gewusst, dass dies unser Eröffnungssong wird. Der Song «The Circus» passt wunderbar als Leitmotiv für die Tour, obwohl es ein ruhiger Song ist. Mit einem Zirkus verbindet man viele Bilder, man hat direkt einen Bezug dazu. Darum haben wir auch das Album so genannt.
(Gary says they were already thinking of the tour .They knew greatest day was gonna be the first single of the album and the circus fits well as a tour theme.That is why they called the album like that.)

Ist es Euer bestes Album?( is it your best album?)

Gary: Man denkt doch immer, dass das jüngste Werk das beste ist. Aber wir sind wirklich alle sehr stolz darauf. Ich glaube, dieses Album ist erst der Anfang unserer kreativen Reise. Für uns kommt noch Vieles mehr.
( Gary says as an artist you always think the latest album is your best but they are really proud of it.This album is just the beginning of a creative journey.There is much more still to come.)

Was hat sich verändert, seitdem Ihr Euch 1996 getrennt habt?( what is different since u split 1996?)

Jason: Hm, was hat sich verändert? Die technologischen Möglichkeiten zum Beispiel. Computer sind heute wichtiger denn je und alle haben ein Handy.
(Jason says technical abilities,computers are even more important and all have a mobile)

Gary: Sogar du.( even you)

Jason: Sogar ich (grinst). Wir hatten tatsächlich keins früher. Du hattest eines, Gary, es war riesig. Wir teilten es uns alle. Auch die Fans haben sich verändert. Sie sind nun junge Frauen und keine Teenager mehr. Einige sind sogar noch älter und haben inzwischen Kinder. Auch Gary, Mark und Howard haben inzwischen Kids. Wir sind wahrscheinlich auch alle etwas langsamer geworden, haben Rücken- und Kniebeschwerden und müssen auf der Bühne eine ruhige Kugel schieben (grinst). Gibts sonst noch was, das sich verändert hat, Gary?
(Jason says even me .Only Gary used to have a mobile a big one and they shared it.
Also fans changed young women are no teenagers anymore a lot of them have kids now.They got more slow have back and knewwpains and take it more slow on stage-laughing-)

Gary: Es haben sich so viele Dinge verändert, aber am meisten wohl unsere Haltung der ganzen Sache gegenüber. Wir haben jetzt eigene Familien, Take That steht nicht mehr an erster Stelle. Aber vielleicht ist genau dies der Grund, warum wir es diesmal so geniessen können.
( Gary says a lot of things changed but most the attitute towards the whole thing.They have their families now and Take That is not their number 1 anymore that is why they can enjoy it so much now)

Aber wie wichtig ist Euch denn der Erfolg? Wichtiger als früher?( how important is success more important than it used to be?)

Gary: Erfolg ist immer wichtig. Aber er ist das letzte Glied der Kette. Es stecken so viele Schritte hinter einem Album oder einer Tournee, da ist Erfolg wirklich das letzte, woran du denkst. Natürlich ist er aber wichtig, auch wir bewegen uns ja in der Musikindustrie. Aber Erfolg ist nicht der Hauptgrund, warum wir das alles machen.(Gary says success is always important but last in the whole thing.There are many steps behind an album or a tour.But of course you need it as it is music industry but it is not the main reason we're doing it for)

Ihr habt die MusicStars bereits getroffen. Welche Ratschläge möchtet Ihr ihnen mit auf den Weg geben?
(you already met the music stars what advise can u giove to the music stars?)

Jason: Bemüht Euch nicht! (lacht)( don't give ur best)

Gary: Tut es nicht!( don't do it)

Jason: War nur ein Witz. Ich gebe ihnen einen wichtigen Rat mit auf den Weg. Bleibt in Kontakt mit euren Eltern und Familien. Das ist das Wichtigste, denn es hält Euch auf dem Boden.
( joke but important advise stay in contact with parents and family it is most important as it keeps you on your feet)

Freut Ihr Euch auf den Auftritt zusammen mit den MusicStars?( you look forward to perform with the music stars?)

Gary: Das wird wunderbar, das wird definitiv gut. Irgendwie waren wir ja alle einmal an diesem Punkt unserer Karriere. Für die MusicStars ist dies ein wichtiger Abend und wir versuchen sie so gut wie möglich zu unterstützen.( Gary says it is wonderful,somehow we were all at this point of our career .For the music stars it is an important evening and we try to support them as much as we can)

Wie geht es mit Take That nun weiter?( what's coming next for Take That?)

Jason: Wir gehen diesen Sommer auf eine grosse Tour in Grossbritannien, treten in diversen Stadien auf. Momentan sind wir auf Promotionstour durch ganz Europa.
( Jason says they gonna tour in the summer in the UK and now they do promo in whole Europe)

Wann steht ihr wieder Mal in der Schweiz auf der Konzertbühne?( when you coming back for a concert to switzerland?)

Jason: Wir kommen nie mehr wieder! Wir haben unseren Job hier erledigt... (lacht)
( Jay said never and laughs we did our job here...)

Gary: Unser letzter Besuch stand ja unter einem schlechten Stern. Howard war damals krank. Wir hoffen, das nächste Mal läufts besser. Aber wir wissen noch nicht, wann wir wieder kommen.
( Gary says last time they were there How was ill and he hopes next time it will be better but they don't know yet when.)

Jason: Wir wollen baldmöglichst wieder auf Europa-Tour gehen, aber aus logistischen Gründen liegt es dieses Jahr leider nicht mehr drin.
( Jay says they wanna tour soon but for logistic reasons they can't this year)

Schade! Wir danken Euch herzlich für dieses Interview und wünschen Euch einen tollen Abend in Zürich.
( what a pity!We wish you a pleasant evening in Zurich!)

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Location : Germany

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Swiss news Empty Re: Swiss news

Post by Elisa Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:48 pm

Ehm... I can't speak German... Very Happy

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Swiss news Empty Re: Swiss news

Post by Leannesg1986 Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:08 pm

I've put it through the google translator!! Very Happy

View: My stand on the casting show "Music Star" on. Your own wurdet also ge-casts. How did this work? (You were casted as well how did it work when you got casted?)
Jason Orange: Our manager, Nigel Martin-Smith, was looking for talents. He has not thousands of auditions, but we sort herausgepickt. Only Robbie and I made us a newspaper advertisement.
Gary Barlow: Nigel hat wohl nicht allzu viele Bewerbungen ­erhalten (grinst). The chances of the band to come were quite good. We were six in the casting and knew that there was a five-band would give. We felt very comfortable.
(Jay says Nigel was looking for talents he did not let 1000 Sants sing but picked us.Only Robbie and me were the answering a newspaper advertisement-grin ... Gary says Nigel probably did not get too many applications, the chances were good to get into the band we were 6 and knew we needed 5 were felt confortable)

Do you think that these TV shows is a good start into the music business are? (Do you think these tv shows are a good start into the business?)
Gary: There is no right or wrong way. It depends on what type of man you are. Any chance to become famous is great. But you must know how to deal with them.
Jason: If someone knows what he wants, let him calm a talent show in order to vorwärtszukommen. What I do not like the humiliation. In these shows, many people destroyed.
(Gary says there is no wrong way every way to get in the spotlight is good but you have to know how to handle it.
Jason says if someone knows what he or she wants then this person should use a talent show to get foreward.But i do not like the way they are treated in the shows, many people get heartbroken there)

What are the prerequisites to be successful? (What are the preconditions to be successful?)
Gary: Well, the obvious first. Singing may have one already. And then there is the appearance. Finally, include the singer and the song.
Jason: And you must really know what you want. Even if you yourself say: "Hey, I want to be famous and a lot of money" - that is absolutely ok But you have to be honest with you stop itself. If you lose yourself, you will be mad.
(Gary says you have to know how to sing and then there is also the outward appearance. At the end singer and song count.
Jason says you have to know what you want and to be honest to yourself if you loose you get yourself insane)

You're Almost forty now, three of you are fathers. What influence has on your music? (3 of you are Dads does that influence your music?)
Gary: It affects everything. How we work who we are. When the children come to the concert, there is absolute chaos!
(Gary says it all influences if the children come to the concert there is absolute CAOS!)

Gary, do you miss your daughter not six? (Do not you miss your daughter?)
Gary: I took four weeks time, when Daisy was born. I know so much already, how it looks (grins).
(Gary says he took off after 4 weeks daisy was born)


"We want to support music star»
Stars to host World: Take That let the hearts of the audience and the Music Stars beat. Before the show we talked with Gary Barlow and Jason Orange on their new album, on their success and advice for young singing talents.

Hi Jason, hello Gary. Welcome to Switzerland! Let us about your new and very successful album "The Circus" talk. What would you say how is it different from your previous albums?
(Hello Jason, Gary what is the difference to your earlier albums?

Jason: Well, our previous albums were also successful there as a matter of no difference (laughs). It is perhaps a cliché to say this, but we have moved forward and developed. The whole group is now involved in the creation of the album. Previously, it was Gary, who wrote all our songs. Actually, he writes, they are still, but we watch him very closely in the studio (laughs). I think that you notice the album at: You can have our four characters in the melody.
(Jason said theier all albums were successful it is maybe a Cliche that they made a step Foreward and develloped. Now the whole group is involved in the making of the album.It used to be Gary, he is somehow stopped it but now we are watching all of what he does.I think you see on the album that you can clearly find our 4 characters there.

Why is the panel "The Circus"? (Why is it called the circus?)

Gary: For the first time we had in the production of the album have the tour before your eyes. "Greatest Day", for example, have written and we know that this is our opening song. The song "The Circus" fits beautifully as a leitmotif for the trip, although it is a quiet song. With a circus combines many images, one has a direct relation to. That's why we have called the album.
(Gary says they were already thinking of the tour. They knew greatest day was gonna be the first single of the album and the circus fits well as a tour theme.That is why they called the album like that.)

Is it your best album? (Is it your best album?)

Gary: You always think that the recent work the best. But we really are all very proud of it. I think this album is just the beginning of our creative journey. For us there is more.
(Gary says as an artist you always think the latest album is your best but they are really proud of it.This album is just the beginning of a creative journey.There is much more still to come.)

What has changed since 1996, you have separated? (What is different u split since 1996?)

Jason: Hmm, what has changed? The technological possibilities, for example. Computers are more important today than ever before and all have a cell phone.
(Jason says technical abilities, computers are even more important and all have a mobile)

Gary: Even du (even you)

Jason: Even me (grins). We actually had none before. You had one, Gary, it was huge. We shared it all of us. Even the fans have changed. You are now young women, not teenagers anymore. Some are even older and now have children. Also Gary, Mark and Howard have been kids. We are probably all become a bit slower, have back and knee problems and need to stage a peaceful ball slide (grins). Gibts what else that has changed, Gary?
(Jason says even me. Only Gary used to have a mobile a big one and they shared it.
So fans changed young women are no teenagers anymore a lot of them have kids now.They got more back and have slow knewwpains more and take it slow on stage-laughing-)

Gary: There are so many things changed, but most probably our attitude towards the whole thing. We now have their own families, Take That is no longer in the first place. But perhaps this is exactly the reason why we can enjoy it this time.
(Gary says a lot of things changed but the most attitute towards the whole thing.They have their families now and Take That is not their number 1 anymore that is why they can enjoy it so much now)

But how important is because the success of you? More important than the past? (How success is important more important than it used to be?)

Gary: Success is still important. But he is the last link in the chain. It stuck so many steps behind an album or a tour, since success is really the last thing you think. Of course he is important but, even so we are moving in the music industry. But success is not the main reason why we're all there. (Gary says success is always important but in the whole last thing.There are many steps behind an album or a tour.But of course you need it as it is music industry but it is not the main reason we're doing it for)

You have the music star is already taken. What advice you want them with you?
(you already met the music stars can u advise what Giove to the music stars?)

Jason: effort you do not! (laughs) (do not give ur best)

Gary: Do not! (Do not do it)

Jason: Was only a joke. I give them an important Council on the way. Stay in touch with your parents and families. That's the most important because it keeps you on the ground.
(Joke but important advise stay in contact with parents and family it is most important as it keeps you on your feet)

You looking forward to the gig along with the music star? (You look forward to perform with the music stars?)

Gary: This is wonderful, that is definitely good. Somehow we all were once at this point in our career. For the music star, this is an important night and we try as best as possible to support it. (Gary says it is wonderful, somehow we were all at this point of our career. For the music stars it is an important evening and we try to support them as much as we can)

How goes it with Take That now? (What's coming next for Take That?)

Jason: We can go this summer on a big tour in Britain, are in various stages. Currently we are on promotion tour through Europe.
(Jason says they gonna tour in the summer in the UK and now they do promo in whole Europe)

When it is once again in Switzerland on the concert stage? (When you coming back for a concert to switzerland?)

Jason: We will never again! We have done our job here ... (laughs)
(Jay laughs and never said we did our job here ...)

Gary: Our last visit was indeed under a bad star. Howard was sick. We hope that next time läufts better. But we do not know yet when we come back.
(Gary says last time they were there how was ill and he hopes next time it will be better but they do not know when yet.)

Jason: We want the earliest possible return to European Tour, but for logistical reasons, it is this year is no longer there.
(Jay says they want to tour soon but for logistic reasons they can not this year)

Shame on you! Thank you very much for this interview and wish you a great evening in Zurich.
(What a pity! We wish you a pleasant evening in Zurich!)

Posts : 598
Join date : 2008-11-13
Age : 38
Location : With an arm up Garys trouser Essex, UK.

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Swiss news Empty Re: Swiss news

Post by Elisa Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:36 pm

thank u sooooooooooo much!!!! Very Happy

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Swiss news Empty Re: Swiss news

Post by GaryBarlowIsGod Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:55 pm


Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

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Swiss news Empty Re: Swiss news

Post by Leannesg1986 Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:02 pm

GaryBarlowIsGod wrote:LEA!

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

What a Face affraid Nice isn't it!!! Razz Twisted Evil

Posts : 598
Join date : 2008-11-13
Age : 38
Location : With an arm up Garys trouser Essex, UK.

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